Hey y'all, would anyone here be interested in supporting starting a Xen Treasury for Academics? Have it be like a DAO that instead of people having to pay for education, the Treasury pays students for learning and teachers for creating the content that people can learn from.
It actually took me working on the architecture for something like this for 5years before I was able to figure out how to close the value loop meaning; I can make this sustainable allowing for us to create our own value instead of having to ask for it from some private central entity for principal plus interest.
I'm willing to put up my own Xen and encourage and invite any future thinking people to participate or contribute. This isn't even for me, it's to make sure our future generations cant have value extracted from them before they are able to provide it. So again I'll put up some of my own Xen, axen, bien, cbxen, mxen, as a way to get it started if anyone can help with the smart contract for something like this. 🙏
Check https://web3tribe.org for diagrams and white paper on the top 3 tabs.