MarLan Can anyone provide proof that Cointool is 90% more cost-effective than XENFTs?
This should be straightforward.
I don't think overall cost-effectiveness is that straightforward.
If you have XENFTs, with Xenon you can leverage getting more Xen by minting more instead of saving ETH for gas, and with DBXENFTs just released you can get daily ETH. You also have the flexibility of selling your XENFT 7 days before the maturity date if you so wish. Are any of those possible with mints that are compatible with these claim & re-mint tools?
And on top of that, there's the factor of when XENFTs, Xenon, and DBXENFTs became available, and whether the relative timing of those releases were fair.
As the ecosystem grows and innovates there are inevitably going to be missed opportunities, simply because there are so many variables at play.
However, I do agree that cointool should have been and should be available on, assuming Jack knew it was vetted and legitimate. Even if it may have been perceived too technical for some to use, it doesn't take much effort to say "this option is for advanced users."