Hi ,
For the curious and bold ones, here are some links to start mining Blocks.
You will be mining for blocks , XNM and XUNI. Lucky ones will also have a chance to get a Super Block.
Use your ETH wallet address to get your blocks and use XenPub to track your mining.
You can mine using cloud GPUs or local GPUs. Results will vary depending on the GPU you use.
Cloud mining throught Vast.ai ( best deals ) :
Mining on Windows with your own graphics card:
https://github.com/shanhaicoder/XENGPUMiner/releases/tag/Windows ( exe file but you will need the miner running in tandem)
https://github.com/shanhaicoder/XENGPUMiner/tree/main#readme ( you will need to install Ubuntu through Windows' store)
Have fun
Official TG for Xblocks: https://t.me/+JbYStKSGlM02YTEz