Xen0m0rf0 I don´t think it should be very complex or difficult to participate. Each of us think in a different way and a form requirement or many prerequisites could throw people away from participate. Ideas don´t come clear everytime and I think they should find a place even if they are imcomplete at first.
Good points. I like the idea of a brainstorming section/drawing board of sorts, and a separate section where proposals can be formally submitted, voted on, and discussed.
I do think the form is going to be helpful to cater to more serious discussions and especially developers. They can easily see answers to the most common questions (that the form asks) and what needs to be done and considered at a high level. We should have a section where we make efforts to frontload as much of the organization as we can on the idea side so that the implementation side for the developer can be as clear and as directed as possible.
So perhaps a "Drafts"/"Drawing board" section - anyone can freely post.
And a "Proposals" section - where a form is required to make submissions.