
XEN Supply Dashboard (Ethereum)

Last Update: 2025-01-13 08:15:47 EST (Refresh: 1 hour)
Note: Approximate 3% margin of error due to XEN 7-day penalty.

Total Mint Supply

318.79 Trillion XEN

Mint Supply

214.19 Trillion XEN

Future Mint Supply

104.60 Trillion XEN

Claimed Mints

18,812,978 (72.57%)

Expired Mints

1,298,796 (5.01%)

Future Mints

5,810,602 (22.42%)

Total Stake Rewards

10.46 Trillion XEN

Stake Rewards

3.78 Trillion XEN

Future Stake Rewards

6.67 Trillion XEN

Avg Stake Duration

188.74 days

Avg Stake Duration

806.47 days

Total Stake Count


XEN Supply - Mined and Future Supply

XEN Claimed and Unclaimed Mints - Daily

Stake Supply - Existing and Future Stake Rewards